Continuus Properzi

Summarize history to write the future of a company


Web design

Web development


Continuus Properzi is a company known for the design and distribution of machinery for the processing of non-ferrous metals. With over 75 years of history, the company, founded by Ilario Properzi, covers various industrial areas across all continents, relying on the strength of its experience, a specialized team of engineers and workers, and its industrial patents.

This legacy allowed the company to expand its expertise to other sectors, such as the creation of recycling plants for copper waste and the creation of furnaces. Our task was to summarize the values of this brand in a new website, capitalizing on the acquired position and projecting the company towards new goals.

Info extra

The starting material for the creation of the website was extensive but rather fragmented: we were able to work on paper materials, old brochures, scripts of some corporate spots, and a previous website with outdated contents. A large part of the work was therefore organizing this rich material into a new structure suitable for the digital platform, aiming to present the company to new clients and to provide clear technical information on products and services. We were able to count on the support of our client, who reviewed all the material with great dedication, guiding our UX choices and getting involved in the creative process. The website also became an opportunity to reflect on the company’s past and organize the materials more clearly.


Navigating through the four elements

The website features many pages to address the commercial needs of the Properzi team. To assist users during navigation, we organized the content based on the different materials of production interest: Copper, Aluminum, Zinc, and Lead.
We also identified four (4) colors to better identify the different areas and create greater visual continuity between the various sections of the website. Once these contents were identified, we designed four (4) main buttons on the homepage to mimic the look of a common periodic table, aiming for a clean and professional look. Each page was then configured with some basic sections and some variable ones, allowing the client to update the content independently.


Past and future

Some of the machines designed and marketed by Properzi have remained unsurpassed from an engineering standpoint, allowing the company to focus its attention on creating new digital assets for the management and maintenance of the machines, such as the Iulius 4.0 program, to which we have dedicated a specific section. The ‘About’ section of the website narrates the company’s rich history, from its founding to the present, including patents and awards achieved by the company. To tell this story, we created an interactive map of the brand’s main milestones, also finding space to highlight the original drawings of the founder.


Shape your brand

Let's shape communication, together.
